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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  February 9, 2012 11:00am-11:59am PST

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by $250,000, single teacher. a great teacher can help a young person escape poverty, allow them to dream beyond their circumstances. teachers matter. in an economy where employers are looking for the most skilled, educated workers, few people will have a bigger impact on that than the men and women in our classrooms. that ultimately is why we're here today. it's about our classrooms, and our children and what's happening to them and how they can perform. in september, after waiting far too long for congress to act, i announced that my administration would take steps to reform no child left behind on our own. this is the first and biggest we can't wait announcement we made. our kids and schools can't be held back by inaction. the members of congress are ready to act. we haven't been able to get the
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entire house and senate to move on this. i said back then the goals of no child left behind were the right ones. standards and accountability, those are the right goals. closing the achievement goal, that's a good goal. that's the right grade schooal. we've got to stay focused but doesn't force teachers to teach to the test or encourage schools to lower their standards in order from being labeled failures. we determine we need a different approach. i've always believed that each of us has a role to play when it comes to our children's education. as parents, we've got a responsibility to make sure homework gets done but instill a love of learning from the start. as a nation we have the responsibility to give our students the resources they need
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from the highest quality schools to the latest textbooks to science labs that actually work. in return we should demand better performance. we should demand reform. that was the idea behind race to the top. for less than 1% for what our nation spends on education each year, we have almost every state to raise their standards for teaching and learning. that's the first time that's happened in a generation. when it comes to what's wrong to fixing no child left behind, we offered every state the same deal. we said if you're willing to set higher, more honest standards than the ones that were set by no child left behind, then we're going to give you the flexibility to meet those standards. we want high standards, and we'll give you flexibility in
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return. what might work in minnesota, my not work in kentucky, but every student should have the same opportunity too reach their potential. over the last five months, 39 states have told us that they were interested. some have already applieapplied today i'm pleased to announce we are giving the first ten states the green light to continue making the reforms that are best for them. each of these states have set higher benchmarks for student achievement. they have come up with ways to evaluate and support teachers fairly based on more than just a set of test scores. along with promoting the practices for all of our children they are also going to be focusing on low-income students and english language learners and students with disabilities. not just make sure those children don't fall through the cracks, but make sure they have
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every opportunity to go as far as their talents with take them. massachusetts, for example, as set a goal to cut the number of under performing students in half over the next six years. i like that goal. colorado has launched a website that will allow teachers and parents to see how much progress students are making and how different schools are measuring up. so, nothing creates more accountability than when parents are out there taking a look and seeing what's going on. new jersey is developing an early warning system to reduce the number of drop outs. tennessee is creating a statewide school district to aggressively tackle its lowest performing schools. florida has set a goal to have their test scores rank among the to five states in the country and the to ten in the world. i like that ambition. this is good news for our kids. it's good news for our country. i'm confidence that we'll see ÷.bujzsk"
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the months ahead because if we're serious about helping our children reach their full potential, the best ideas aren't going to just come from here in washington. they're going to come from cities and towns from all across america. they're going to come from teachers and principals and parents. they're going to come from you who have a sense of what works and what doesn't. our job is to harness those idea, to lift up best practices, to hold states and schools accountability for making them work. that's how we're going to make sure that every child in america have the skills and education they need to compete for the jobs of the future and to be great citizens. that's how we're going to biltd an economy that lasts. to all the educators that are in the room, thank you for what you do every day. we're very proud of your efforts. we know it's not easy. we're proud of you. working together, i'm confident
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that year after year we're going to see steady improvement. i told the superintendents that i met backstage before i came out here, this is not a one-year project. this isn't a two-year project. this is going to take some time, but we can get it done with the kind of determination and the kind of commitment that so many of you have shown. i'm proud you. let's make this happen. thanks very much, everybody. [ applause ] >> that was president obama wrapping up on changes to no child left behind. the president announcing ten states will be from that controversial bush reform. the president saying that the objectives there were good ideas, but the imme menation had
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problems with teachers. the state ks implement their own plan for improving student achievement. fewer than two hours ago, the president addressed the landmark $25 billion settlement paid by five of the nation's largest banks for their role in the mortgage meltdown. the banks were accused out of abusive foreclosure practices. this could bring relief to current and former homeowners. >> by now it's well known that millions of american who is did the right thing and the responsible thing, shopped for a house, secured a mortgage that they could afford, made their payments on time were nevertheless hurt badly by the irresponsibility actions of others. >> that was the president a few hours ago on the foreclosures. to talk more is kristen welker and dani bap. it bares noting that both of
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these remarks came from the president within a few hours. they both deal with domestic issues, housing crisis as well as education. we heard the president tieing education to the economy. was this an obvious theme to many there that the white house was hitting on today? >> reporter: well, absolutely. hitting on the theme of education. you heardk+ít him in both of th speeches unearth some of those comments he first talked about during his state of the union talking about fairness and creating a better future, giving people more opportunity. it is day of big announcements here at the white house. this white house has come under allot of fire this week due to that recent decision requiring religious affiliated institutions to require contraception as part of their health care plan. this does redirect the discussion quite a bit for this white house. the education announcement, the more recent one we just heard is large by being cheered by the
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education community, by educate to ers, by union members. they'd like to see more reform. they'd like to see educators sit at the table and improve education. some people have argued this gives arnie duncan too much power. >> also in rep directing the conversation, we know the president has said congress failed to act in making key changes in no child left behind. the president saying don't mess it up, don't muck it up here. he's pointing to congress that's turning to his reliable adversary on so manydolç things moving ahead. >> reporter: that's right. no child left behind hz been up for review since 2007. lawmakers haven't been able to come to a decision about how to reform it. the white house putting this under the umbrella of his we
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can't wait actions you've heard president obama announce a number of these we can't wait actions. this someone more staying we'll take steps on education and on housing, this is the largest settlement in u.s. history. the largest we have seen since that tobacco settlement since the 1990s. we heard president obama urging congress to take action both on education reform and also on housing. you heard him talk about that during his housing announcement, urging congress to get a deal done on his initiative that would allow homeowners to refine their mortgages. >> people are seeing this number, $25 billion paid by the five largest banks. these days when you say banks paying up, eyebrows are raised. is this real money, real dollars. is this not just for people under water but the process of them being foreclosed was done unfairly.
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>> of the 25 billion, about a fifth is going to the government. about $17 billion going to the homeown homeowner. >> what does that do? >> not much. you might get $2,000 as a settlement for being improperly foreclosed upon. this is the government deciding what's fair for the homeowner. >> another $3 billion will go toward refinancing mortgages that are current on their home. >> this issue is there's sos many fees involved that some analysts believe it will take three to five years for an average homeowner to get their money back on their home. >> is this a headline snp. >> absolutely. >> thank you kristen. two big announcements from this president regarding issues that hit close to home. now to decision 2012 where
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conservatives are telling mitt romney to step it up. politico reports conservatives are getting nervous about romney's three-state loss on tuesday. the gop john kyle saying romney must sure up the weaknesses. four years ago you might recall romney ended his campaign. on "morning joe," the head of the face and freedom coalition said it's going to be an uphill battle. >> mitt romney giving his more moderate pedigree, given the health care plan that he passed in massachusetts, given that in the past he's been pro-choice and pro-gay rights, i think i understate the case to say he has some work to do. >> joining me now is dominico and michael smerconish.
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michael, i'll start off with you. that's a heck of a hill to climb when you look at the things out lying there. how does mitt romney do it and how many times do we ask how does he do it? he's not an unfamiliar brand. >> i don't think he can get there on economic issues alone. the social issues are what really play in front of the crowd. i express what he will say talk about the komen planned parenthood flab and tack about proper 8. that's sort of motto looking for a comment on social issues. it's a national audience for santorum, so it's going to be hard for romney. >> is mitt romney stepping into political quick sand if he goes too deep into this issue of contraception knowing his record as governor of massachusetts?
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>> he's going to have to go there. like michael mentioned, contraception, judges, those kind of issues are things he talked about on the trail. he's defended his record of massachusetts governor whether you believe his line of defense or not. this comes two days after the three straight wins by rick santorum and highlights these difficulties romney is having with the base. the thing is, none of us think that mitt romney has hit some huge speed bump and that he's not still the likely nominee. he still is the likely nominee, but he does have this issue and the problem for him is that when we goes and tries to talk about conservative issue s, then he suddenly see the negatives rise with independents. when he talk about independents, then the conservatives don't seem like they want to be totally on board. he's going to try to play this
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delegate game and try to win out in a longer race. >> the realities is not to your quote what we believe, but you have the head of theg freedom coalition saying that given his moderate pedigree and given the health care plan that he passed in massachusetts, that's a conservative with a big voice at this conference. it's not about what we believe, on paper it's what the conservatives are saying, he's got to climb this hill. they list that on their complaints, if you will. >> there's no question that he has an issue with very conservative voters. we've seen that in exit poll after exit poll. people have derided him as the 25% man. he does have a solid 25, 30% of the republican establishment in place. he has more of a infrastructure and money to go the distance than some of these other candidates. santorum and gingrich have been
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splitting the vote. if he gets there, thismn/r(lc% enthusiasm issue, is anybody for obama going to be enough for the conservative base to rally around. >> michael, we watched the exit polling from nevada. we saw far fewer people turn out this time around. he's got the money. he's got a lot of things in his favor but enthusiasm matters. we know this will be a very tough race if he gets the nomination. it will be a tough race for the current president. the realities is it's on him to get the enthusiasm level up with the conservatives because he needs them. >> i think domenico's analysis is spot on. he's to go into that conference and say things that conservatives want to hear but things that will not come back and bite him in the fall. >> is that possible? >> no. no a word it's not. i don't think it is possible, but nor do i think he
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necessarily needs to throw the passion switch because i think what they'll do is cast this entirely as a referendum on barack obama in the fall, and try to drive the conservatives out with an antipathy toward barack obama. i think that's the strategy. you're not going to make them love barack obama. thank you so much. coming up, students return to class at the l.a. elementary school where the entire staff was replaced in wake of a child sexual abuse investigation. plus, an nbc news report finds israel has been working an iranian terror group. what all of this means? the fbi releases its file on steve jobs. we'll tell you what was in jobs' file and why the fbi released
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welcome back to "news nation." today students are returning to that los angeles school that was shut down for two days in the wake of a dig child sex abuse scandal. students and parents were greeted by all teachers. two long-time teachers were jailed for performing lewd acts. all 85 of those dismissed teachers are expected to file grievances. >> they don't think about our kids. all the good teachers after they
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finish investigations and background and everything, we want back the good teachers. >> police say they have found 200 additional photos taken by teacher mark brent. some show students blind folded with their mouth tape shut. this is a difficult situation. the children have entirely new teachers they must get adjusted to. >> they really are. i spoke with that father as well, he said we get it. we understand that the administration wants to and needs to make a clean sweep, have a fresh start. he said they do make sense, but nobody consulted most of the parents. we have been given no reason to accept. in this case it's an
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overreaction replacing 120 teachers and teachers aids and the additional staff. it was back to school today but under extraordinary circumstances. police out front. media up and down the street. about a thousands of the students going back in. we just got the attendance figures, it was about 68% of the student who is did go back this. that means hundreds did not go back. many of them out here with their parents because they're not ready to trust yet. i spoke with one of the students, a sixth grader named stephanie peres. >> we want our teachers back. we want our original teachers back. maybe the superintendent will explain decision. >> stephanie said she never misses a day of school. police have revealed investigators have been provided
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withqú paragraphs of the most serious of the suspects. 200 paragraphs of children in his care. those photographs suggested there could be additional victims beyond the 24 who have been named in the suspects. >> thank you very much. today was the first full day of system in the trial against a former university of virginia lacrosse player accused of killing his girlfriend. crime scene photos were shown as first responders took the stand. they described a chaotic scene after finding yeardley love's body. her boyfriend is charged with first-degree murder. his attorneys say he's guilty of the lesser crime of involuntary manslaughter. mike, there's an e-mail that came into play that was sent by
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george as well. >> that's right over the course of the last two days when prosecutors and defense started to make their opening remarks, it's become clear there was a timultuos relationship that ended badly to say the least. they thought it was alcohol poisoning. they discovered her face down in her bed. they immediately called 911. suspected it was alcohol poisoning but quickly there after according to testimony we heard today they determined it was foul play. it quickly became a crime scene and a criminal investigation. yesterday during opening statements you mentioned that e-mail that was sent by george to yeardley saying i should have killed you. it became evident because of these opening statements that was in response to this revolution that he found out
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that she had been seeing a lacrosse player from another school. the account of what happened are in dispute that night. the e.m.t.'s came in in the wee hours of may 3rd. testimony is continuing. the trial expected to last ten days. >> thank you. coming up, we have details in an nbc news report that finds israel is working with a terror group in iran to kill that country's nuclear scientist. we'll get the latest on that group. how low will it go? congress's approval rating sinked to a new record low. can you guess the number? we'll have the answer after the break. plus, presidential play list. president obama releases the songs that will be setting the tone for his 2012 campaign. ♪ use campbell's cream of chicken soup to make easy enchiladas,
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here is what the "news nation" is following right now. we have learning new details from an nbc report that israel is training to kill experts in iran. the obama administration is being sued over the controversial policy on contraception. plus. >> he was powerful, scary. he made you feel, made me feel as if i was the only person in his presence. >> scandalous relationship reaction is pouring in after j.f.k.'s former intern reveals her affair with the former president. the file on jobs. the fbi releases its records on steve jobs. what was in his fbi file. now to those questionable
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ties between israel and iran. nbc says deadly attacks onp; ar& carried out by an iranian dissident group. they have long been designated as a terrorist organization. they call the relation very intricate and close. >> israeli involvement is 100%. it doesn't have anything of nuclear ability. >> bob is with us now. let's talk about this organization before we even talk about the relationship with israel. who are what is this group? >> the people's mujahedin of
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iran have been acting as a terrorist group going back to the 1970s. in the 1970s they killed three military officers and three civilians. this u.s. has had them on therapy radar for years.  put them on the terrorist list. they have been the biggest thorn in the side of the iranian regime for years. >> why would they assist israel and why would this relationship work? >> i think both of thoem have-$ motive in this. they are trying to use assassination as the tool. this is something they have done tht past. it's not something that is unfamiliar to them. for the people's mujahedin, what we're seeing is an opportunity for them to combine with israel's biggest external enemy and attack with impunity at the
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core of their nuclear program. it shows that the iranian regime is not as powerful as it could be seen because the attacks keep going on. >> what else are u.s. officials saying about this and from reading this report and information, no one could be happy perhaps other than israel in the fact that five of these nuclear scientists have been taken out, but you heard them say their program goes on. >> the program goes on, but this is having a psychological effect. it's saying the biggest external enemy, biggest internal enemy can attack with impunity. they're dealing with israel, an enemy of islam. for the israeli's it's dealing with the terrorist group. for the united states it says the great moral value that
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israel has is being diminished with them working with terrorist group. >> because this organization has been labeled a terrorist organization by the u.s., does that help in putting any pressure or give the u.s. any negotiating power with the reports that we have seen that israel may act by the spring in launching an attack on iran. >> the u.s. cannot act with this group. there's a problem with the assassinati assassination. at the end of the day, these covert operations may help convince the israelis, all of them, all of the covert operations to delay the attacks or not attack at all. >> all right. i know you'll have more for us. thank you. expanded roles for women in
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combat tops our stories at stories around the nation. changes would open 14,000 jobs across the armed services. it does not mean that women will be in direct combat roles yet. women are already serving on the front lines as medic, military police or intelligence officers. be changes will i v v apply to the army. a man is in jail after he tried to abduct a 7-year-old child in walmart store. she manages to fight this man off. this is the surveillance video( of this. it's unbelievablunbelievable. the suspect is expected in court. the 25-year-old was on probation after serving prison time for voluntary manslaughter. in washington state, new questions about the emergency response to the murder/suicide that took the lives of josh powell and his two little boys. 911 call log show it took nearly
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eight minutes for a sheriff to be dispatched to the home after a desperate call from a social worker and another 14 minutes for deputies to reach the home already on fire at the time. the dispatcher told the social worker, quote, we have to respond to emergency life threatening situations first. the mississippi supreme court is hearing arguments today about whether the controversial last minute pardons by former governor haley barbour were legal. the governor did not follow procedure and the pardons are not legal under the state's constitution. his actions, we have reported, outraged victims. the court is not expected to rule today. the backlash against the obama administration mandate that religiously affiliated employers cover birth control cost is now crossing party lines.
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at first republicans, the main ones rallying against the policy, but not a handful of other democrats on the hill are breaking ranks with the president. a bill will be introduced that will allow businesses to opt out. >> i thought it was wrong and i think fringement of the rights that we have in the constitution. they went ahead and did it any way. earlier today the catholic broadcasting cable network based in alabama and broadcast around the globe announced its suing the white house over this decision. they say the policy would force it to use donor contributions to pay for morally objectional health services. johning me now is john stanton. thank you very much. i know you wrote this story along with one of your colleagues as well. let's talk about this lawsuit
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from ewtn. it's a catholic broadcasting cable network. is this large voice in the catholic community? >> it's fairly large. i think the larger is the counsel bishops. they really are the spokes people for the church itself. it could become a serious problem. >> how serious of a problem is it that you have now some democrats, we just showed our senator coming out. are these people that just needed a boost in their state for survival. what's behind this? >> i think it's a little bit of it is politics, but there's a number of catholics that are democrats that look at this as sort of picking at a wound that's been going on in the catholic church for decades over contraception. it's making them very uncomfortable. a lot of them are keeping their
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problems to themselves but they are privately letting the white house know this is not something they want to have out. they feel like it's a bad time to be having this fight. >> earlier today, we have what the senator had to say in regards to the gender gap. >> the women of this country and the men who support them will see it's this president who is standing with women, for their health care and republicans like john boehner who have been leading an assault against women's health care. >> as we noted, marco rubio is teaming up with joe mansion. obviously, different sides of the aisle. we're getting so many tweets and entries on facebook regarding the voices that are discussing this. when you talk about the catholic
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leadership, obviously mostly men. the face of congress, mostly men talking about this important issue for women. i understand that it is also an important religious issue, but is there a wrinkle here when you look at barbara boxer and joe mansion and you see woman, man there? >> i think certainly democrats think there is. debbie schultz made slimilar arguments. there's not as big concern about this within the broader catholic community and they look at it as an issue of women's health. increasingly with women becoming a big part of the democratic base, they see a potential opening for political gain from it and standing up for women's issues on their side of the ledger.
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>> students from the most presteejous catholic schools says it as two sides. freedom from religion and freedom of religion. i suggest you think about being in the shoes of a 22-year-old woman. that's part of the statement from students from catholic universities. thank you. >> any time. coming up next on "news nation." >> his favorite movie is "the notebook". >> something to lighten the mood for you. will ferrel plays announcer for the night. wait until you see the expression on the players. here are some things we thought you should know. congress's job approval rating is at an all time low. i said could you guess the answer. a new gallup poll finds 10% of americans like what congress is
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doing. it was 13% before. entertainer and former teen heartthrob donny osmond has given $25 hundred to mitt romney's campaign. he's a fellow mormon and while not specifically giving his endorsement has said he is glad romney is running. oh. oh. you know, we try to keep these things interesting. >> interesting and oh is right. that was chris christie at a speech yesterday. it was a little trouble on stage. one of the banners that started to fall said the jersey comeback has begun. the obama 2012 campaign has released a list of songs it will use on the campaign trail. the list range from al green's "less' stay together."
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i'm martin bashir, coming up, adventures in sea pack land. we step inside the conservative faith where the only rule is don't be nice to democrats. word of wisdom from kirk cameron. a new dnc attack dog, rick santorum. back to tamron. it's been four months since the death of steve jobs. now the fbi has released its files. some paninted him as a dishones man. a lot of this reads similarly to what we saw in the biography. why was this put together? >> the first president wanted to appoint steve jobs to a board that makes recommendations to the government>8rtñ trade polic.
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in early 1991, the fbi was assigned to do a background investigation. he was appointed to this advisory council, but the fbi had to talk to his friends, neighbors, coworkers. most of them were quite complimentary about him but there were some people who questioned what they said were his behaviors. some people who worked with him at other companies said, for example, one fbi summary that they questioned his honesty and said he will twist the truth and distort reality in order to achieve his goals. a few said jobs was not supportive of the mother of his child born out of wedlock but has recently become more supportive. another coworker who worked a at company and had to leave the company without any stock, who was bitter about that, said jobs is strong willed, stubborn and hard wills which is maybe by
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he's so successful. thank you. we're hearing more from the former white house intern who claimed she had an affair with john f. kennedy. funny man will ferrell is getting laughs after a special performance from a basketball game. let's get the scoop from bradley jacobs. i feel so bad. i called him former funny. i watched the interview with the former intern. it was compelling. >> it's sad and real icky. there's a lot of uncomfortable moments. you really believe her. there's a lot of emotion there, but a lot of stuff that's unseemly from the president. >> she said she lost her virginity to the president in the first lady's room.
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let's play a bit. >> did you feel like i'm being used here? it's almost like you were a call girl to him. >> i never felt that. now looking back, i can see it's not a good place for a 19-year-old to be in a relationship so imbalanced and such a powerful person and an older man at the beck and call. >> she says i do not regret kwhatwhat i did. i was young and swept away. what's been the reaction? >> it wasn't likeç it just happened once. she was a young girl but she september going back. she was an intern for several different summers. it carried on. she would come back from college. she slept over and got engaged to another man. she never told her parents this is story. it's really compelling. >> it is absolutely, to say the least. moving onto somethrq1ów%ñt far
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different and lighter. everyone is talking about this "american idol." i didn't see it. >> she said i did it for older viewers and randy is like he took offense to it and she started stammering. she started losing her balance. >> let's take a look. >> whooi did why did you choose that? >> i wanted to reach out to an older crowd, older audience. >> you're saying we're older? >> no. >> medic, please. >> you are one of those mean kids in school. >> she's like stunned. she was like hit with the a stun gun. sorry. that was my first reaction to it. >> at least your honest. >> she looked like someone slipped her something.
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>> that was the end of the show after that. >> it's a cliff hanger. >> literally. >> literally. apparently, four other people fainted. it was that brutal. >> something we can laugh at and not feel guilty. will ferrell. what was he doing? >> he was introducing players and being his funny self. i'm not sure if we're going to show video. he's a scorpio and a horrible dancer. >> 6'5" from italy. ironically, he at a times italian food. marco villanelli. >> how did he land this gig? >> he's shooting a movie.
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he would be funny even reading the phone book. i think it's cool he did this and got a lot of laughs. >> it will make hornets tickets worth it these days because they're not doing good, at least the basketball team. thank you very much. we'll be back with "news nation gut check." in my success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card. so we can accumulate as many points as possible. i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. when my employees are happy, my customers are happy. vo: earn points for the things you're already buying. call 1-800-now-open to find out how the gold card can serve your business.
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11:55 am
vrj vrjts. time now for the "news nation gut check." today the house passed the stock act, a bill banning lawmakers to obtain information they got behind closed doors. the issue is the information would not be able to get unless they were members of congress. here is the proposals to hedge funds. with all that, what does your gut tell you? do you think the stock act will end congressional insider trading. go to to cast your vote. that does it for this edition of "news nation." martin bashir is up next.
11:56 am
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good afternoon. it's thursday, february 9th. here is what's happening. >> the services are more fun. there's a reason for that. we're always right. >> the only rule is don't place nice with democrats. >> something really bad is going to happen unless we stop this president and this democratic party. >> maybe, just maybe the chosen one will emerge.